Simply Liv: Fresh



New years are exciting. With them comes a sense of expectation- this year will be a good one, the best one yet, we hope. People don't usually focus on the hard things that could happen in the coming year, instead they are filled with hope of the exciting, happy, heart-filling moments. For me, this year will be a big one no matter what. It is a year of firsts and I look forward to it.

Last year, I posted about my "one word" I chose to define 2013. You can read that post here. Looking back, I'm not sure how well I actually followed through with my word, but thats another issue. Choosing (thoughtfully and prayerfully) one word to focus on every year is a tradition I hope to continue. It helps us to live intentionally and more aware as we notice how our "one word" plays out.

This year, my word is very important to me and I feel it represents a lot more than I even realize right now. 2013 was a tough year. As I mentioned last time, I had an unplanned pregnancy, a messy dating relationship and by the end of the year was engaged, had my baby, and then married. Talk about a whirlwind. I learned so much last year about life and about myself and I wouldn't change anything that happened looking back, but I am so glad its over and that a new year has started. Thats why I chose FRESH to be my one word for 2014. 

- having its original qualities unimpaired
-full of or renewed in vigor
-experienced, made or received anew
-lacking experience
-original, vivid. 

Going in to 2014 I literally feel like I'm starting with a blank canvas. Everything is new. Fresh

This year, I get a fresh start with AJ as we start on our new journey of marriage together. While I loved dating and being engaged to him, I'm even more excited to finally be his wife. The past is over and we have a fresh chance to make new decisions and new mistakes together. I can't wait. This year I'm also a mom for the first time. I was pregnant with little Evie last year, but this year I get to know her. I get to hold her and kiss her and teach her and play with her. Being a mom is my greatest adventure yet, and I'm so thankful for this fresh start. 

This new year couldn't have come at a better time. I feel genuinely fresh, renewed and inexperienced, ready to make new memories, new mistakes and a new life. 

What's your one word for 2014? I'd love to hear! 


Unknown said...

Discipline-After 44 years I've learned (most the time the hard way) I need to embrace small, seemingly insignificant, mundane, daily tasks.

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