Simply Liv: A Week at Mimi and Papa's


A Week at Mimi and Papa's

I tend to get a little  (a lot) stir crazy in the repetitive-ness of the day to day. I have always been that way, but my new job as a "stay at home mom" has definitely heightened it. The days have been especially long since AJ has had to work a lot of late nights and sometimes wont get home till 9 or 10. So things can seem pretty lonely around here.

We were planning a weekend to go see my parents and get family pictures taken (a wedding present from my parents), so I just decided to take Evie and go a week early, and have AJ come that next weekend like we planned.

It was SO great to be home for an entire week, instead of just two or three days. The week was very relaxing and I came home refreshed and grateful to have the stir craziness out of my system for a while. I didn't take nearly as many pictures as I intended to (famous last words), but I have a few gems that sum up the week nicely.

I love her little stank face ;)

Miss Lucy loved the extra attention all week. 

My brother Sam working on his Valentine to his sweet girlfriend 

Jess basically lives in this corner

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She is going to hate me for this, but how CUTE is that little but?!

Bath time with Mimi :)

We had such a great time. E got to meet one of her two great-great grandmas and we took a five generation photo to commemorate the special day. I'm so excited to share our family pictures and the shoot of AJ and I in a post to come.


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